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The Total Economic Impact™ of Smartsheet
Our customers tell us all the time about how they’ve transformed their business—from managing projects and automating workflows to building solutions at scale.But, what economic impact does Smartsheet actually have on the bottom line? We commissioned Forrester Consulting to help us find out. Download full study Contact our team
2022 Forrester Consulting Study: Total Economic Impact™ of Smartsheet
Who they talked to
Forrester Consulting conducted in-depth interviews with decision makers across nine organizations currently using the platform. Based on the interviews, they created a composite organization that represented each of the company's findings.
What they learned
After investing in Smartsheet, each organization saw significant benefits from having better visibility into the status of projects and programs. This led to increases in productivity, more efficient resource allocation and revenue gains, notably:
680% customer ROI over a three-year period for the composite organization
Less than 6 month payback period on customer investments
$16.33 million net present value over the three-year modeled period
Other findings
The study also found other unquantified benefits including increased customer and employee satisfaction, improved decision making and accelerated time to market.
Yes, you’re buying an IT tool, but you’re also buying much more than that. You’re buying a fundamentally new way of working and thinking that can be very powerful. I’ve talked to users, and they have described how they are solving problems they didn’t even know existed.
– Head of Health, Safety, and Environment
Name, Title
The Total Economic Impact™ of Smartsheet, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Smartsheet, January 2022
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