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Smartsheet Engage Day 2 Recap: Excitement, Demos, Learning, and Memorable Evening in Seattle!

The excitement is still going strong, and Day 2 was even better than the first day. The day started with a wave of curious and energetic attendees taking the floor. The 9 AM keynote brought us all together. Smartsheet leaders, including CEO Mark Mader, Product Marketing VP Kati Quigley, and Product Management SVP Ben Canning, have outlined the future and unveiled a series of new features that will revolutionize the way organizations operate. Check out this link with list of product announcements. We also had an opportunity to learn more about the successful use of Smartsheet from Sodexo, ADP, and Goodwill.

Our booth was full of curious attendees who wanted to try out the free Smart AI Chat Bot, which is one of the new products we are launching at the conference. By the way, have you tried? Here is the link, it's a free app, and we would love to know your thoughts on how this can assist you in your day-to-day.

Our team was on the hot seat to take any questions and ready to demo the Backup and Restore and Dynamic Dashboards. The products were well received, and the booth was a huge success. We are very excited to bring you innovative solutions. Click here to book a demo of these new tools

The day progressed with great breakout sessions, good food, lots of learning and networking.

We’ll celebrate the close of day two with a welcome reception in the Experience Hub — including industry-specific and DEI mixers and a newbie orientation — where we meet with our friends and colleagues and enjoy drinks and appetizers.

After we finished at Engage, we went to a pub where we had a private event for our clients. We got to talk to them, enjoy a nice evening in Seattle, and get ready for Day 3.

Stay tuned for Day 3, where our team is presenting two sessions on healthcare and life sciences.

What are your thoughts about Engage so far? We would love to know!

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